
Pricinple Investigator:

Zaicheng Sun, Ph.D, Professor

1994 JilinUniversity B.S.
1999 Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Ph.D

Research Interests:
People_htm_smartbutton13823.gif Quantum dots solar cells,
People_htm_smartbutton13863.gif Nanostructure of oxides for solar cell and Li-battery
People_htm_smartbutton14020.gif Plasmon resonance of metal nanostructure

Postdoctoral Fellows


Dr. Min Zheng

Ph.D. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

B. S. Henan University

Synthesis and functionalization of semiconductor nanocrystals

Graduate Students


Zhao Zhao

2010 Jilin University, B. S.

Synthesis of ZnO, TiO2 nanostructures









Peng Du

2010 Harbin Normal University, B. S.

Plasmon Resonance of Au, Ag Nanoparticles

Summer Students:

Guannan Liu

2011, The Unviersity of Hong Kong,

now move to University of Maryland for graduate student